Inflation is not a new phenomena, but most people have not worried about it in the past decades because it has been under control in most of the western and developed countries.
However, due to the injection of liquidity in the economic system in recent years (2008 and since 2020), inflation is growing at an alarming pace.
Central banks are tightening money supply (or pretending to), but is it too late to control inflation without crushing the economy? What will happen next?
A short playlist for your amusement:
Video: How The U.S. Made Inflation Worse
Channel: CNBC
Video: Jim Rickards - The New Case for Gold - Animated Book Summary
Channel: Economics Decoded
Video: Fed “Doesn’t Care” About Inflation, It’s a Mirage to Prop U.S. Dollar at All Costs Says E.B. Tucker
Channel: Stansberry Research